版權所有?2022江陰君卓機械制造有限公司 版權所有 網站地圖技術支持 iwonder.cn 蘇ICP備16053672號-1
KZL200 Bottom driven cone mill with vacuum conveyor
Cone mill, it is used for size reduction. JUNZHUO MACHINERY provide different kinds of cone mill for different application. There is always one right for you.
Top-driven type (by motor or belt): Widely used in crushing and pelletizing of non uniform materials.
Inclined type: Normal type, suitable for lighter proportion materials granulation. Popular used in small batch production.
Pipeline type: Pipeline connection, either single or joint use is available. No dust when used in combination.
Clean Pipeline type: It is easy to clean.
JUNZHUO MACHINERY provide customized design, please let us know your requirement before ordering.